Season 8

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801 The Mechanics of Good Posture

Episode Description

Mary Ann demonstrates several ways to improve posture and spinal alignment. A variety of breathing exercises designed to strengthen the postural muscles are introduced in unique combinations.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

802 Building Your Core

Episode Description

Weak back and abdominal muscles increase the load on the spine, can cause an abnormal tilt of the pelvis and increase the strain on the back muscles. Lack of flexibility in the core muscles can also restrict movements, such as rotating and bending. This program features exercises to build a strong core.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

803 Power Up With Weights

Episode Description

As we age, we lose 5 to 7 pounds of muscle tissue every 10 years, which has a negative effect on our metabolism, bone density and overall ability to carry out daily activities. Mary Ann, an advocate of slow, gradual progression, introduces the safe use of weights.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Get the Season 13 DVD Box Set – It can make the perfect gift!

804 Exercise Bands, Another Form of Resistance

Episode Description

Mary Ann emphasizes the importance of proper technique when using elastic resistance as another way to strengthen muscles. Elastic exercise bands are used in innovative ways, incorporated into routines for both upper and lower body strengthening.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

805 Work Up To Walking; Gait Strategies

Episode Description

Although walking is an activity we do every day, it’s important to learn to do it correctly. This episode will focus on increasing circulation, strengthening exercises for the knees, hips and back, proper posture, foot placement and ankle joint flexibility.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

806 Basics of Mobility, Dynamic Balance, and Agility

Episode Description

The ability to maintain balance is a motor skill that needs to be practiced. Mary Ann incorporates a wide range of innovative exercises to achieve that goal.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

807 Tai Chi Movements

Episode Description

Tai Chi, an ancient form of Chinese exercise, has been shown to enhance balance, posture and breathing. This episode includes the practice of Tai Chi.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

808 Learning How To Breathe Correctly

Episode Description

Breathing is one of those activities that we do unconsciously and take for granted. Mary Ann provides a wide variety of breathing exercises throughout this episode. Emphasis is placed on: diaphragmatic breathing, intercostal breathing and pursed lip breathing. Methods for using the breath for relaxation and revitalization are integrated.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

809 Everyday Living Exercises

Episode Description

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is an essential element to keeping you functionally fit. By making exercise part of your lifestyle, you will maintain your quality of life and independence. This episode will demonstrate moves that help improve range of motion, upper and lower body flexibility, and strength.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

810 Arthritis and Exercise

Episode Description

There are over 100 forms of Arthritis and exercise plays a key role in relieving the pain associated with these conditions. Mary Ann uses slow gentle movements, few repetitions, and demonstrates the best way to exercise during a flare-up and on good days.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

811 Lower Body Flexibility

Episode Description

Lower body flexibility is needed for dressing, bending down to pick something up from the floor, and getting out of the bathtub. Mary Ann uses a towel and a variety of exercises to improve the ability perform the everyday activities that require lower body flexibility.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

812 Lower Body Strengthening

Episode Description

How active you are depends on how well all the muscles in the lower torso work together. Strong lower body muscles translate into greater mobility. Mary Ann incorporates exercises specifically designed to strengthen the legs throughout the workout.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

813 Upper Body Flexibility

Episode Description

Many daily activities such as bathing and dressing are limited by poor upper body flexibility. Mary Ann creates some unusual exercises, using a towel and a ball to restore or improve flexibility.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

814 Upper Body Strengthening

Episode Description

Arm strength and endurance are needed for every day activities like carrying groceries, lifting grandchildren and doing household and yard chores. Shoulder range of motion exercises are followed by strengthening movements, which are performed without resistance. Exercise bands and weights are added later to the workout.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

815 Cultural Approach To Exercise

Episode Description

One of the most successful, motivational approaches to exercise draws on the traditions and music from a variety of cultures. Music therapists have become a part of the rehabilitation team in many environments. They incorporate music and drumming as an important part of therapy. This episode takes advantage of Native American rhythmic steps and stomps and Middle Eastern use of hand held rhythm instruments, such as “toca shakers” for tactile stimulation.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

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816 Exercising Mind and Body

Episode Description

Most recently, there has been increasing evidence linking the mind and body to vibrant health. This episode will incorporate exercise movements that will revitalize the neuromuscular and cognitive pathways.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

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817 Multi-sensory Training

Episode Description

This episode will introduce exercises that will improve the older adult’s ability to coordinate head and eye movements, which contribute to balance training and mobility.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

818 Applying Letters, Symbols and Patterns to Movement

Episode Description

Specific movement patterns help focus awareness and direction for greater range of motion and strengthening. In this episode Mary Ann introduces innovative exercise strategies to viewers.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!

819 Safe Driving Skills

Episode Description

A variety of innovation exercises to strengthen safe driving skills. An emphasis is placed on neck and upper body range of motion, eye/hand coordination, lower body strengthening, flexibility and exercises to strengthen peripheral vision.


Approximate Run Time: 27 Minutes, HD

Click here if you would like to purchase a DVD copy the Season 8 Workout for a friend or loved one. This 45 minute workout features some of Mary Ann’s favorite segments from the 800 television series and makes the perfect gift!