Balance Exercises

Balance Exercises By Mary Ann Wilson, RN I would love to share some great balance exercises that we’ve used on the Sit and Be Fit television series. They will challenge several of the important balance systems responsible for stability in your mobility. If you practice these exercises regularly, along with others in the related blogs section below, and […]

Newsflash October 2012 – Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and much is being written about risk factors, prevention, symptoms, and treatments. I’d like to focus on some considerations, from diagnosis, to before, and after, any type of breast surgery be it lumpectomy, mastectomy or reconstruction. DIAGNOSIS: After diagnosis, it’s important to focus on three things. 1) Begin eating […]

Newsflash November 2012 – COPD

This time of year can be especially difficult for anyone managing chronic lung disease (COPD), particularly if you live in a colder climate. Cold, dry air irritates sensitive airways resulting in bronchospasms and shrinking airways, making it difficult to breathe. Irritants cause inflammation of the membranes and excessive mucus production. While these symptoms can be […]

Newsflash March 2013- DVT

Each year at this time, my thoughts naturally travel back to March 2010, when I met an extraordinary woman whose story touched my heart and taught me about the seriousness of a condition I gave little thought, up to that point. The woman was Melanie Bloom and she was spearheading a movement to make millions […]

Newsflash May 2013 – “Messages of Hope”

Two very special days are coming up for me in the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to attending high school graduations for two of my grandsons and spending the day honoring their achievements. Besides the pride and excitement of these special family days, I am always impressed with the graduation speeches of hope and […]